
Guys, so I was emailing zod once, and we were going to make a science experiment on about comments. Basically, we WERE going to make posts on the same day, and zod won’t do lots of work on his ( not good origami) and we will see who gets more comments… I think I need someone else now ( maybe Tyler) because I got mad when I saw jessenias crayon thing had 24 comments. The only reason she probably has that is because of her fame, by max_ rebo liking her. The only reason she has that many comments is because of her fame…


what do you think?

5 thoughts on “Question

  1. Hoo boy…
    Well, let’s see. First of all, that crayon thing was pretty cool. Second, back in the day, 24 comments wasn’t that much. People have been commenting less and less as the number of SuperFolders has grown.
    And I still don’t get this hate toward max_rebo deal; can someone please explain?!

  2. I’ll participate! :mrgreen: I kind of understand the thing with max_rebo, but I don’t personally think Jessenia did anything wrong. The crayon thing WAS cool, but Zod is also correct: The more superfolders we get, the less comments seem to appear. It also seems like most of the most recognizable SF’s have moved onto blogs (me, Zod, Firk, You {moochael}, Sf Zach and PK, and many others). I haven’t posted anything on for the longest time… Anyway, just respond to this comment when you want to start the experiment and give me a date to start posting. Also keep in mind, it will be difficult to start exactly at the same time, given time zones, scheduling, etc. MAY THE FOLDS BE WITH YOU!

please comment if you see something you like!